Incoming Graduate Students

Congratulations on your acceptance to Indiana University! 

Are you currently enrolled?

According to the University Graduate School, GGC's services are only for currently enrolled graduate students at Indiana University. As such, GGC is unable to offer consultations or funding search appointments for students who are not yet enrolled in a graduate program at IU. However, incoming students may find some of the tips below to be helpful. 

On-Campus Employment

Incoming students in search of funding can take advantage of employment opportunities available at IU. Most SAA positions range from 10 hours/week to 20 hours/week appointments, and some include full or partial fee remissions and health insurance. International students are generally eligible to work on campus as graduate assistants. We post announcements of available assistantships we are aware of on our SAA page.

Graduate School Bloomington

The University Graduate School offers support to graduate students through internal fellowships and awards. Some of these include recruitment fellowships, that may be used alongside departmental awards. Please note that for most awards, nominations must be submitted by the individual's department or school.

School & Departmental Funding

Your new department is always an important resource for funding opportunities. Don't be afraid to let them know that you are looking for funding, and to keep in regular contact with them to express your interest in any positions that they might be able to offer you.